Is this train for Samsung Station?
What's your final destination?
I need to get to Mayu Aquarium.
You're on the right train.
Is this train for Samsung Station?
for + 장소 : 방향, 방면
for + 명사 :명사를 위하여, 명사에 관한
for New York
for Seul Station
for Busan
Bus stop 버스 정류장
What's your final destination?
final destination
final 최종의, 최후의
Destination 목적지
Destiny déstəni 운명, 숙명
Where is your final destination
최종목적지가 어디에 위치하느냐
What's your final destination
최종 목적지가 어디냐, 목적지명이 뭐냐
Aquarium əkwέəriəm 수족관
get to + 장소 장소에 도착하다. 가다.
arrive 도착하다. 기차, 비행기 오래 가고
arrive at / in
get to 가까운 거리 도착하다/가다고 할 때
I need to + (동사)
=(동사) 할 필요가 있다.
(동사)해야 한다.
have to > need to
I'm need to go to bed.
I have to go to bed, I'm so tired.
I need to lose weight.
You're on the right train.
right / wrong
wrong train.
I'm on a train (plane, bus, ship)
Are you on a bus?
'여행회화 > 왕초보' 카테고리의 다른 글
지하철 Is this train for ~20201023 (0) | 2020.12.06 |
관광 What's around here? 2017302 (0) | 2020.12.06 |
지하철 You can transfer to line #2 there. 2017105 (0) | 2020.12.05 |
Can I ask you something? I need to get to ~2017928 (0) | 2020.12.04 |
지하철 Let me take you to the subway station2017212 (0) | 2020.12.03 |