여행회화/왕초보 122

Do you have snow sleds for kids? 20210127

Do you have snow sleds for kids? Yes, these are plastic but strong. I recommend a helmet and knee pads, too. Right. safety comes first. Do you have snow sleds for kids? kids ↔ adult snow sled 눈썰매 동물(말, 사슴 등)이 끄는 썰매는 sleigh Do you have (명사) for Do you have roller blade for (kids, men, women, adult) Do you have rollerblades for kids Do you have rollerblades for adult? Do you have goggles for kids?..

I have to move out of my place. 20210126

I have to move out of my place. Why all of a sudden. The landlord raised the rent. Uh oh, that's too bad. I have to move out of my place. move out of my place 나 사는 곳에서 이사 나와야 해 place 임차인 입장에서 사는 곳 house owner 입장에서 사는 집 move out = 이사 나가다. move in = 이사 들어오다. move from 어디로부터 어디로 move out of 안에서 밖으로 take something out of the box. 상자안에서 밖으로 뭔가 꺼내다. move out of (장소 명사) =(명사) 안에서 밖으로 이사 나가다/나오다. I move..

Hot water is not coming out. 20210125

Honey, call the management office. What's wrong? Hot water is not coming out. I guss the heater is broken again. Honey, call the management office 여보 관리사무실에 전화 좀 해 봐요. Honey, come over here. 애야 이리 와바 What's wrong? wrong 나쁜, 잘못된. (형용사) What is the problem. What's the problem? What's the matter? What's news What's good here. What's (형용사)? What's good? 음식점에서 여기 뭐가 맛있나요 What's new (행사 등에서 )뭐가 새로운 거야..

쇼핑 How much is this charger?

How much is this charger? You're lucky. It's on sale. Is this for youphone? It's for both YouPhone and Calaxy. How much is this How much is this charger charge [ʧaːrdʒ 요금, 충전, 책임 charger How much is (명사) =(명사)는 얼마예요 fry 튀기다. frying pan How much is this frying pan? How much are these earrings. How much is this charger? You're lucky. It's on sale. lucky = in luck 운 좋은 (형용사) You are in luck. You ar..

Watch out for the black ice 20210118

Is it still snowing outside? Yeah. Please watch out for black ice. It's very hard to see. I'll be extra careful. Is it still snowing outside? 밖에 아직도 눈 오고 있나요. snow 눈, 눈이 오다. rain 비, 비가 오다. pour [ pɔːr 비가 쏟아지다. It's pouring. poor [ puər 가난한, 불쌍한, 부족한, 빈곤한 pour [ pɔːr 따르다. 퍼붓다. 뿌리다 Is it (~ing) =(~ing)하고 있니? Is it snowing? 비오니 it 해석하지 아니함. Is it raining outside? 밖에 비오니 Is it pouring outside? 밖에 비가..

Where are you from? 20210108

Nice to meet you. I'm your new roommate. Welcome! Where are you from? I'm from Korea. I'm an international student. Really? I'm so into K-pop. Nice to meet you. I'm your new roommate. Nice to meet you. roommate 방을 같이 쓰는 사람. roomie 회화체에서 줄인 말 It's nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. 처음 만났을때만 만나서 반갑습니다. Nice to see you 처음 만날 때는 어색한 표현임. 두 번째 만났을 때 만나서 반갑습니다. Nice to see you again. Nice to be here ..