
음식 I have a stomachache.20171018

서로조아 2020. 12. 10. 12:28

I have a stomachache

What did you eat at the restaurant?

I had tuna and salmon.


I think you have food poisoning.



I have a stomachache


ache [eik] 아프다, 통증







stomach [stΛmək] 스또먹


병명에는 a 붙힐 수 없지만

가벼운 병에 대해선 a를 붙힘


a stomachache

a headache 두통

a backache 허리통증, 요통

a backpain


I have a stomachache.

I have a headache.

I have a backache.


What did you eat at the restaurant?


restaurant [réstərənt] 뤠스츠런


eat > ate > eaten


at + (장소 명사) = (한정된 장소)에서


일반적으로 어디에서 라고 할 땐 관사 없이

at school = 학교에서

at work = 직장에서


특정지역을 나타내고자 할 때는 관사 붙힘.

at the school

바로 그 학교에서 그를 만났다 라고 할 경우


I had tuna and salmon


tuna [tjúːnə] 참치

salmon [sǽmən] 연어 쌔믄


mackerel [mǽkərəl] 고등어


have = eat

had = ate


음식 eat

lunch, dinner, breakfast

: have를 즐겨 씀


I think you have food poisoning



food poisoning 식중독


I think + (평서문)

=(평서문)이라고 생각해/ 인 것 같아


I think I love you.


I think you have food poisoning.

I think WCB is fun.

I think your story is interesting.


I don't think we're late.

늦은 거라고 생각 안해