
날씨 There is not a single cloud in the sky 2017522

서로조아 2020. 12. 22. 23:03

Spring is in the air!

There's not a cloud in the sky.


Yeah, This micro dust is no joke.

Plus, I'm alerge to pollen.



Spring is in the air.


Spring s 뒤의 p 발음 된소리로



summer sΛmər 써머

autumn ɔ́ːtəm / fall



(명사) is in the air!

=(명사)의 기운이 완연하네


Love is in the air!

There is not a single cloud in the sky.

구름 한점 없네요.


cloud [ klaud 구름, 흐림, 연기


There is not a single + (단수명사)

=(단수명사)가 단 하나도 없다.


There is not a single woman in this class.

이 수업에 여성은 한분도 없네


There is not a single man in this club.


There is not a single cloud in the sky.


Yeah. but this micro dust is no joke.

그래 하지만 이 미세먼지가 장난이 아니에


micro 미세한 아주 작은




dust 먼지


micro dust

fine dust


storm [stɔːrm] 폭풍, 호우

This storm is no joke.


Plus, I am allergic to pollen


Plus 게다가 (회화체)



pollen [pάlən] 꽃가루


allergic [ələ́ːrdʒik]

be allergic to + (복수/불가산명사)

(복수명사/불가산명사)에 알레르기가 있다.


I am allergic to pollen.

I am allergic to milk.


I am allergic to men.

I am allergic to cats.

I am allergic to snakes.