
What's around this hotel 20228

서로조아 2020. 11. 28. 11:42

What's around this hotel?

There's a musical theater across the street.


Oh, I love musicals. What's playing now?


I believe Mini and Beast is playing now


What's around this hotel?


around (명사) = (명사) 주변에

around this country 이 나라 근처에

around you 당신 주변에

around the airport 공항주변에


What's around this park?

What's around this building?


What's around this hotel?


There's a musical theater across the street.

Theater θíːətər

Theatre = Theater


Movie theater

Musical theater


Street 시가지내 길, 주거지내 길

Road 대도시를 연결하는 길, 대로





across + (명사) = (명사)의 건너에, 건너편에

across the river

across the field


The school is across the street.

What's across this river?


Oh, I love musicals!

What's playing now?

뭐가 공연중인가요


Love (명사) = 명사를 엄청 좋아하다. 사랑하다


I love WCB English.

Mayu loves pork and beef.

엄청 좋아한다.


love > like

hate > dislike 엄청 싫어하다.


I believe Mini and the Beast is playing now.


고유명사, 제목: 첫글자 대문자로

관사, 접속사는 대문자로 표시하지 아니함.


beast 짐승

monster 괴물


I believe (평서문)

=(평서문)이라고 믿어요, 그럴 거에요. 확실치는 않지만,

think 도 좋지만 그럴 거에요 라는 말투로 believe


I believe this is Mini's watch.

I believe Mayu is an English teacher.

확실치는 않지만 아마 영어 선생일거에요.

아마 영어선생일거에요.



The total comes out to $100.

총 합쳐서 100$ 입니다.


