
날씨 Is San Diego cold in winter? 201127

서로조아 2020. 11. 29. 12:07

Is San Diego cold in winter?

This is my first trip to California


It's warm during the day. but it's chilly at night.

bring couple of hoodies.


San Diego California 남쪽에 있는 지명


Is San Diego cold in winter?


hot 더운

warm 따뜻한

cool 시원한


cold 추운

chilly 쌀쌀한


in 긴 시기(계절, , )

at 짧은 시기(시간)


in summer,

in spring


New Jersey is hot in summer.

Mayu was born in fall. autum


Is San Diego cold in winter?


This is my first trip to California.



first trip to (장소) : 장소로의 첫 여행


my first trip to Europe

This is my first trip.


This is my first trip to Europe

Is this your first trip to Florida?


second trip

This is my second trip to Canada.


This is my first trip to California.


It's warm during the day but chilly at night.


During 동안

during the day 낮동안


sleep slept


I slept during the day.

I work during the day.

and my wife works during the night.


at night 밤에, 밤에는


It's cold at night.


It's warm during the day but chilly at night.

It's warm during the day but it's chilly at night.


Bring a couple of hoodies.


hood 뚜껑.

hoody 머리까지 감싸는 옷.


a couple of ( 복수명사)

= 2~3 개의 (복수명사)


I have a couple of friends.

I need a couple of minutes.


bring > brought > brougt


명령어는 동사원형으로부터 시작


Bring a couple of hoodies.