
Please mark this bag as 'fragile' 2019208

서로조아 2020. 12. 7. 12:46

Please mark this bag as ‘fragile’.

What's in it?


There are wine glasses and a laptop

We are not responsible for any damage.


Please mark this bag as fragile.

취급주의라고 표시해 주세요


fragile frǽdʒəl 부서지기 쉬운

mark (표시)하다. 기념하다.


as ~ 로서


Please mark +(명사) + as fragile

=(명사)fragile “취급주의라고 표시해 주세요


Please mark this box as 'fragile'.


container 용기

Please mark this container as 'fragile'.


What's in it?

그 안에 뭐가 있나요


What's in +(명사)

=(명사) 안에 뭐가 있나요?


What's in your pocket?

What's in the trunk?

What's in it?


There are wine glasses and laptop


glass [glæs] 유리잔,

a glass

glasses 유리잔들


grass [græs] 잔디


There is + (단수명사)

There are + (복수명사)

=(명사)가 있다.


There are wine bottles in the bag.

There are too many people here.



We are not responsible for any damage.


damege dǽmidʒ 손상, 피해

responsible [rispάnsəbl] 책임이 있는


responsibility [rispὰnsəbíləti]


I'm responsible for something 책임이 있다.

I'm not responsible for something