So, How was your shopping?
The Shopping Mall was packed with people.
I couldn't find a parking spot.
Of course.
It's Christmas Eve tomorrow.
So how was your shopping?
Shop 쇼핑하다, 가게
We was shopping around.
How was your shopping?
How was the seminar?
How was his speech?
So, How was your shopping?
The shopping mall was packed with people!
persons = people
twenty peoples
twenty persons 사람 하나하나를 강조하는 말투 20명
개별인원 persons
be packed with (명사)
=(명사)로 꽉 차 있다.
The concert hall is packed with Mini's fans.
The store was packed with customers.
I couldn't find a parking spot.
주차 자리를 못 찾았어요.
parking place.
Parking spot. 비교적 작은 장소
parking lot 주차장(전체를 의미)
Parking spot 차 한 대를 주차시킬만한 공간
I couldn't find parking spot.
차 댈 만한 곳이 없더라고
I couldn't find parking lot.
주차장을 못찾았겠더라고
couldn't (동사원형)
=(동사원형) 할 수가 없었어
can not (동사원형)
=(동사원형) 할 수 없어.
I couldn't understand.
We couldn't find the key.
I couldn't find parking spot.
Of course. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow.
It's Christmas Eve tomorrow.
특별한 날 고유명사는 첫글자는 대문자로
날짜, 요일
It's (일/요일/날짜)
It를 별도로 해석 아니함.
It's Friday tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Friday.
It's our anniversary today.
Today is our anniversary.
What country is this?
I couldn't order it.
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