Are these scarves on sale?
If you buy two, the third one is free.
Nice! I needed two scarves anyway.
Well, this is your chance.
Are these scarves on sale?
이 목도리들 할인 중인가요
목도리 neck
muffler 목도리, 소음기 scarf
on sale 할인 중인
on a diet
Every thing is on sale
every 모든 것 복수지만 단수취급 is
this car
this book
Are these 복수명사
these cars
these copy machines
these kids
these children
thes microwaves
If you buy two, the third one is free.
If (평서문) =만약 (평서문)이라면
If you love me,
If you love me, kiss me.
If you don't like it,
If you don't like it, return it.
one first 1st
two second 2nd
three third 3rd
four fourth 4th
five fifth 5th
six sixth 6th
seven seventh 7th
eight eighth 8th
nine ninth 9th
ten tenth 10th
one 앞의 말을 대신하는 것.
I needed two scarves anyway.
좋네요 어차피 목도리 두 개 필요했는데
I need two scarves anyway.
어차피 두 개 필요해요
문장 앞에 있을땐 화제를 바꾸는 말투
anyway I have to go
문장뒤에 anyway 이어질땐 어차피, 무조건
어차피 팬이 필요했어 (사지)
I needed a pen anyway.
I have to eat anyway.
나 어차피 먹어야 돼(같이 먹자)
I don't like it anyway.
나 어차피 그것 안 좋아해
anyway 앞에 , 없이 단어뒤에 이어서
Nice! I needed two scarves anyway.
Well, this is your chance!
그럼 이게 기회네요
well 그럼, 글세,
Wel, that's true.
Well, now is your chance.
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