여행회화 704

날씨 How is the weather outside? 2016905

How is the weather outside? It's scorching hot! Thank god We have an air conditioner here! I know! I can't wait for winter. Weather wéðər 날씨 기후 Whether hwéðər 인지 아닌지, 이든 아니든, 어떨지 outside : 바깥쪽(명사), 바깥의(형용사), 바깥에(부사) How's = How is How's (명사) = (명사) 어때? How's weather? 날씨 어때? How is New York? How's New York? New York 어때 실제 이름임으로 the 붙이지 아니함. How is my new hairstyle How's my new hairstyle? How's ev..

음식 Let's start eating already! 20201203

Let's start eating already! Are you nuts? We must take pictures first! Put down your spoon and chopsticks! Gosh, I'm starving! Let's = Let us Let's start 우리 시작하자 Let's start eating! 우리 먹기를 시작하자. 먹자 eat > ate > eaten Start (~ing) = (~ing)하기 시작하다. Let's start working 일하기 시작하자 They started screaming. 그들은 소리치기 시작했다. already : 어서, 이미 Let's start eating already! Let's start eating fast(×) Tell me alre..

음식 Can I get an extra bowl? 20201126

Can I get an extra bowl? We would like to share this food. OK, I'll get you extra plate, too. I'll be right back. Can I get an extra bowl? bowl boul 그릇 ball bɔːl 공 extra ékstrə ] 여분의, 추가적인 an extra key. an extra battery. Can I get an extra bowl? We would like to share this food. food snack 간식, 과자 meal 한끼의 식사 share ʃεər 나누다. We would like to + (동사원형) =(동사원형) 하고 싶습니다. We would like to share someth..

음식 Honey, This steak is overcooked.2020827

Honey, The steak is overcooked. You know I like rare steaks. Will you stop whining? I'm not a chef, OK? Honey, the steak is overcooked. steak [ steik ] overcooked I don't like overcooked eggs. 너무 익혀진 계란은 좋아하지 않는다. The steak looks overcooked. 너무 익혀진 것 같다. overcooked 너무 많이 익혀진 undercooked 음식이 설익은 의도하지 아니한 덜 된 You know I like rare steaks. rare [rεər] 의도적으로 덜 익혀진, 약하게 익혀진 well-done 의도적으로 잘 익힌(형용사) w..

음식 How can I get a free side dish? 2020827

How can I get a free side dish? It's simple! Take a picture of our restaurant. then post it on Ministagram. I can do that in 2 minutes. How can I get a free side dish side dish 반찬, How can I get a free side dish How can I get a free side dish? police say last time main dish 주된 요리 How 방법 어떻게 How can I (동사원형) =제가 어떻게 (동사원형)할 수 있나요, 방법을 물어볼 때 How를 앞세워서 How can I find you? 당신을 어떻게 찾을 수 있나요 How can I..

음식 Is my food ready, I've been waiting for~ 2020723

Excuse me. but Is my food ready.? I've been waiting for 30 minutes. We're terribly sorry. Let me go check. The kitchen must be busy because it's Friday. Excuse me, but Is my food ready? food [fuːd] 음식, 식품 meal 한끼의 식사 snack 간식, 과자, 가벼운 식사 보통 복수로 snacks foot [fut] 발, 걷다. 기슭 I've been waiting for 30 minutes. wait 기다리다 영어에서는 흔히 쓰는 시제 I've been waiting for +(기간) (기간)동안 지속적으로 기다려 왔다. for + (기간) = (기간)..

음식 How spicy is this 2020415

How spicy is this? My kids are only used to mild food. It's like a ramyun.It's deliciously spicy. You can take my word for it.  How spicy is this? spicy 매운, 양념맛이 강한.hot 덥다. 뜨겁다. 맵다. 짠 salty [sɔ́ːlti]맹맹한, 싱거운 bland [blænd]It taste bland. blend [blend] 혼합물, 섞이다. 어울리다 How (형용사) is this?=이거 얼마나 (형용사) 해요?형용사의 정도를 물어보는 말투  How hot is this?얼마나 뜨거워요 How sweet is this?얼마나 달아요 How hot is today's weather?오..

음식 Where is my food? 2019627

Excuse me, Where is my food?I'll go check with the chef. It's already been 30 minutes.We are so sorry. Excuse me, Where is my food? food meal 한 끼의 식사 cuisine [ kwizíːn ] 고급스럽게 꾸며진 요리 luxury [lΛkʃəri lΛgʒə-] cuisine restaurant Where is/are + (주어)=(주어, 단수명사-is / 복수명사-are)는 어디 있어? Where are you너 어디 있니 단수명사지만 You의 be 동사는 are Where is my key?Where are my scissors가위 어디 있어? scissors [ sízərz ]가위, 날이 두 ..

음식 Do you provide catering services? 20190124

Do you provide catering services? We have a party for our boss next week. Sure, You can do it here. We can even come to your place. Do you provide catering services? provide 제공하다, offer 제공하다. 제안하다. cater [kéitər] catering service 음식 맞춤 서비스 We have a party for our boss next week. Let's party party [pάːrti] 파티하다. 사교적인 모임. our boss our 빠르게 발음하면 입을 모으고 r처럼 next 다음에, 다음 next week come back next week ..

음식 Can I have a box for these leftovers? 2018620

I'll ask him, then. Can I have a box for these leftovers? Sure, I'll be back. See? It was not that hard. I'll ask him, then. ask 에게 묻다. to를 포함하고 있어 to 없이 사용됨. ask to me (×) ask me 나에게 물어봐 Don't ask me 나에게 묻지마 ask me anything 뭐든지 나에게 물어봐 그 어떤 것도 나에게 물어봐 Why don't you ask Mayu? I'll ask him, then 그럼 내가 그에게 물어볼게 shy [ʃai] 부끄러워하다. 쑥스러운, 꺼리는 If you're shy something, I'll ask him. Can I get a box for ..