여행회화/왕초보 122

지하철 Is this train for ~. What's your final destination? 20171026

Is this train for Samsung Station? What's your final destination? I need to get to Mayu Aquarium. You're on the right train. Is this train for Samsung Station? for + 장소 : 방향, 방면 for + 명사 :명사를 위하여, 명사에 관한 for New York for Seul Station for Busan Bus stop 버스 정류장 What's your final destination? final destination final 최종의, 최후의 Destination 목적지 Destiny déstəni 운명, 숙명 Where is your final destination 최종목..

지하철 You can transfer to line #2 there. 2017105

Get off at Sadang Station. You can transfer to line #2 there. Thank you so much. Oh, Here comes the train. Get off at 장소명사 : 장소에서 내리다. 버스, 전철, 기차, 비행기 걸어서 승하차할 수 있는 대중교통수단에서 Get off 내리다. off 이탈되는 것, 떨어지는 것 Get on 타다. on 붙는 것 , 올라타는 것. Get off at Sadang Station. Get off at Jamsil Station. Get off at Pen Station. 허리를 굽히고 승하차 하는 교통수단(자가용, 택시) Get in 들어가다. 타다. Get out 나가다. 내리다. You can transfer to l..

Can I ask you something? I need to get to ~2017928

Can I ask you something? I need to get to Kangnam Station. Take the next train. then get off at the Sadang Station. Can I ask you something ask someone ask him to 없이 곧바로 명사 ask to (×) Can I + (동사) : (동사) 해도 될까요 May I + (동사) 매우 예의있는 표현 May I ask you something Can I ask you something? I need to get to Kangnam Station. need get to+ (장소) : ~에 가다 + 도착하다. I need to go to Kangnam Station get to 근거리에 가다..

지하철 Let me take you to the subway station2017212

Let me take you to the subway station. It's okay. I can take a bus. You have too many bags. You're such a good wife. Let me take you to the subway station. Let me take you to the subway station. Subway sub 아래 take + 물건 : 가지고 가다. take + 사람 : 데리고 가다. take out 밖으로 가져가다. Let me ~ 뭐 할께요. 뭐 하게 해 주세요 Let me take you to + 장소 명사 명사로 데려갈께요. Let me take you to the building. Let me take you to the park. Let..

항공 I can't miss my connecting flight 20191122

We're sorry for the delay. The plane will take off shortly. It's been 2 hours. I can't miss my connecting flight. We are sorry for the delay. delay 늦추어지다. 미루어지다. 지연하다. 지연 sorry 미안한, 마음이 안좋은-형용사 be + sorry for + 명사 명사에 대해서 미안하다. convinience confort kΛmfərt 위로, 달래다. 편안함. comfortable kΛmfərtəbl 편안한. 쾌적한 inconvenience I'm sorry for the everything We are sorry for the inconvenience The plane will tak..

항공 What's going on 2018802

What's going on? We are sorry for the delay. It's because of the heavy rain. I don't want to miss my connecting flight. What's going on? go on 벌어지다, 진행되다 is going on 벌어지고 있다. What is going on What's going on 무슨 일이에요? 인사로도 쓰임. 뭐를 벌이고 있어 Hey, What's going on Something is going on here. 뭔가 여기서 벌어지고 있어 Nothing is going on here. 여기서 아무것도 벌어지는 것이 없어. We're sorry for the delay. sorry 형용사 미안한. is sorry ..

항공편, I missed my flight to 2018607

I missed my flight to Japan. The next flight is in 3 hours. How much is the ticket? The cheapest one is $300. I missed my flight to Japan. Japan Japanese 일본사람, 일본사람의 Are you Japanese? The Japanese 일본사람 I am Japanese. Japanese 앞에 관사없이 사용됨. I am korean Korea Korean Are you Korean? Philippin The Philippin The Philippines 필리핀 사람. Flight 비행, 항공편 flight to canada canada행 항공편 flight to 장소 The next flig..

기내 I would like beef and a glass of wine20161117

Would you like beef or fish? I would like beef and a glass of wine. We only have white wine. Is that okay? I'll just have beer, then. Would you like beef or fish? Do you want beef or fish? beef or fish pork 돼지고기 fork 찍어먹는 도구 chicken 닭고기 or 혹은 아니면 Would you like ~ =Do you want ~ I would like beef and a glass of wine. glass 유리, 유리로 만든 잔 a glass of (명사) : 명사 한잔 a cup of 명사 내가 평소 즐겨 쓰는 잔으로 표현해도 무방함...

택시 I have to go to JFK Airport 17202

Where to, Ma'am? I have to go to JFK airport. It will take 30 minutes. That sounds good. Where would you like to go Where do you want to go Where to : 어디로 모실까요 Where 어디 to ~로 Welcome to korea Where to 나이에 상관없이 여성에 대한 존칭 Ma'am 남성에 대한 존칭 Sir I have to go 나는 가야한다. I have to go to JFK Airport. go to 연음주의 모음과 모음 사이의 t 빠르게 발음할땐 → ㄹ JFK(John F. kennedy) airport I have to + 동사 : (동사) 해야만 한다. must 와 유사한 ..

택시 Can you take me to this address 16428

Where can I take you? Can you take me to this address? Sure, It takes about 10 minutes. Sounds good. Where can I take you? Can I take you take + (사람) : 사람을 데려가다 취하다. 사진을 찍다. take + (물건) : 물건을 가져가다. to + (장소) : ~ 장소로 to New York 뉴욕으로 take 나를 데리고 가 Take me Take me to this building, please. Take her Take her to Seoul Station. Take him to his home. Take him to his house. Take me to this airport. Can..