Did you remove any drinks from the fridge? Well, yes. I drank a bottle of water. Each bottle is $3. What? I didn't know that! Did you remove any drinks from the fridge? remove 제거하다. 꺼내다(의역) drink 음료, 술(상황에 따라) 빨리 발음할 땐 쥬륑크 freeze [ friːz 얼다. 냉동하다. 동결, 멈추다 fridge 냉장고 (회화체) refrigerator [ rifrídʒərèitər 냉동기, 냉장고 Well, yeah. I drank a bottle of water. 물한병 마셨어요. bottle [ bάtl 입모양 벌리고 바를 drink > dran..